Offshore Software Development: Benefits of Having It

Offshore Software Development: Benefits of Having It

Offshore Software Development

Computer software is an important requirement to operate properly today. These act as interfaces to help users do wonders with machines. These are made with instructions and commands to process information and data for the required outcome. However, it can be both numerical and graphical. Doing all this is a challenging task. It requires expert help which can be as far as offshore software development through outsourcing or in-house software development. All of the different models of working have their roles for their end users and those paying for the development.

What qualifies as offshore software development?

There are various models of working in the IT industry for software development along with various others. These are mainly bifurcated as in-house and outsourcing. Both come with their characteristics both good and bad. Either way, a decision has to be made about which one to go with. However, outsourcing includes hiring some firm to do a task that can be done in-house. It can be onshore outsourcing, nearshore outsourcing, and offshore outsourcing software development.

While the topic of discussion is only the last one, offshore outsourcing is contacting some software development firms in a different time zone. If you are operating from North America, Magnatec Systems can be a good choice. Utilizing  offshore software development  outsourcing comes with various benefits which are:

You do not have to bother hiring the experts

Opting for outsourcing saves you the time, effort, and cost of hiring the appropriate experts. Finding properly skilled software developers can be a troublesome task due to reasons such as the diversity of development languages, expertise to understand and utilize the languages, and others. All of this can take a lot of time, effort, and cost to find the right individuals. These individuals then work together to complete the task. While all of this can be avoided with ease by opting for outsourcing software development.

There is no need to train software developers

When you are working in-house, once you have hired the right individuals you need to train them. Although they are skilled in software development, they need to learn new skills and changes in practices. This is supposed to be managed by the company and the owner(s) of the firm need to bear the cost of training. Moreover, this is not a one-time thing but rather requires training after certain intervals of time. A benefit of outsourcing is that it takes care of training needs.

Offshore software development saves tools’ cost

It is not just training, the firm also needs to provide the right tools for the developer’s needs. These tools too have some cost and put stress on the overall budget for software development. Moreover, the tools need to avail new upgrades as time passes. This can keep the cost linger on with time and affect it for the worse. But if you outsource it to some offshore firm, you save the pain and the cost of these tools.

You won’t have to bear their cost on a long-term

Employees cost in terms of their salaries, tools, trains, benefits, and other aspects. All these should be borne by the firm to get their services. But there is more, you are hiring employees which normally means a long-term engagement unless specified. This long-term engagement can be quite a burden. A well-known alternative to this is hiring as a freelance or on a contract/project basis employee. However, offshore software development services are a much better option.

You get the outcome even when you are asleep

An important aspect of offshore is the timeline difference between you and your outsourced firm’s working hours. This can benefit you as the firm could operate while you sleep for the concerned offshore development. Their working hours may start when you end, allowing you to give out the instructions as you sign out and start working afterwards and when you start your next day the tasks are complete. 

Offshore software development is cheaper 

If you are working in a high-inflation and high-demand economy, the chances that you are going to pay big amounts to your employees are very high. But as compared to this, outsourcing your needs to a less inflated economy is going to cost you very little in comparison. This way outsourcing it offshore IT development can save you a lot in terms compared to outsourcing onshore or nearshore outsourcing.

All sorts of additional costs are averted with offshore outsourcing

In addition to the various costs discussed earlier, there are other minor costs you bear with having an in-house software development team(s). But all of these are averted when outsourcing. This stands as the perhaps best benefit of outsourcing. With outsourcing, you will only have to pay the cost of the services for development projects with no other cost. 

You get tech support with offshore development

If you opt to hire in-house software developers, you do not get additional tech support. Rather you need to manage the teams and facilitate them. While outsourcing with some offshore software development companies such as  Magnatec Systems Private Limited, you will get tech support to sort out your issues and get the best usage. These can save you from additional costs after only paying for the services.


Software development  is an essential requirement in today’s world due to the availability and usage of computers in abundance. For this, a large number of software developers and development is needed. This can be in-house availability or outsourced. While having an in-house team have its benefits, offshore outsourcing software development has its own.

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Are onshore and nearshore outsourcing also good options?

Outsourcing software development has its benefits with either of the three options. However, going offshore has even more benefits due to the different timelines and less inflated economy. However, onshore and nearshore outsourcing is still a valuable choice.

Does cultural difference affect communication between us and possible offshore software development agencies?

Although the cultural difference makes communication difficult, as the current practices outsourcing agencies such as Magnatec Systems work on this difference and bridge this gap to better understand clients’ requirements and deliver the right outcome.

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