Are AI Tech Solutions Reliable for All Your Needs?

Are AI Tech Solutions Reliable for All Your Needs?

AI Tech Solutions

There is a very highly competitive face-off in progress between tech giants. This face-off is about designing and releasing better AI than the other. Very recently Google released Gemini AI while OpenAI has released a new version of Chat gpt. This completion has led to a very rapid and evolved development of AI’s capacity to solve problems and carry out tasks. Despite all the development  AI tech solutions  have been in question.

AI – an understanding

It has been believed that intelligence is a gift from God for human beings. Later research conducted on animals discovered that they too hold a great sense of intelligence which they utilize in their affairs. But despite being in animals this was still natural intelligence (in other words God-given). Moreover, the problem was lying as animal intelligence can only be utilized very little. This problem began to diminish as man developed computers. These were simply programmed or instructed machines.

But, this programming required human intervention to operate and deliver the intended outcome. Then programming evolved and through different logical reasoning, the computer was able to compute some instructions on its own. A very advanced form of this ability of the computer led to the advent of artificial intelligence or AI. It is still improving and has reached the ability to converse with humans and other computers that have artificial intelligence. This computer is now very advanced and can provide different vast sorts of custom AI solutions for different problems including tech problems.

What qualifies as a reliable solution and are AI tech solutions reliable?

The English language is very accurate when it comes to morphology. A little adjustment and arrangement can make sense and deliver meaning. Thus, something reliable is a thing on which we can relay. In addition to that, a solution can be reliable if it has certain characteristics. Before we judge advanced AI solutions, let’s understand those characteristics. These are:

It is based on some study or credible source

The solution should have some credible grounding. AI solution  without it is like taking medicine from a quack rather than a doctor. When you receive any solution, it is best to check the source of the solution particularly if it is just AI. In this regard, AI tech solutions do include some sources, however whether the source is credible or not is up to you to find out. These solutions are simply researching for similar or the same problems on available data on the web and presenting the solution from that site. There is barely any checking and sending the solution forward, thus making it less reliable.

The numbers in the solution add up

The solution should sound plausible. This can be judged just with common sense in many cases. If you do the math and numbers add up the solution is fine and vice versa. In other words, this is simply checking if the solution is ridiculous or a bit around the corner. AI is only able to read words and match them, this leaves a lot to you to assess the solution. As a result, the chances of its tech solutions being reliable are less likely. However, since it does not formulate them and just copies & pastes them from others’ solutions, these can be reliable. This happens as tech experts (humans) also write solutions on the web.

The process is possible and repeatable

The solution’s practicability is a great indicator to check if the solution is reliable or not. But this does not suffice and only provides a little sign that requires assistance from the rest of the indicators. But a solution that is also repeatable has a little more reliability. AI tech solutions are simple solutions taken from other sources on the web. Through the overwhelming amount of solutions available. AI assessment becomes very probable. 

Specific to the problem

This indicator is quite accurate. If the solution is according to the problem it is reliable. You need to carefully analyze the solution. It will provide great insight and help to understand whether it is reliable or not. AI is improving and starting to understand emotions with the help of linguistics, cognitive science, and psychology but the software development  is not very much so far. This makes its custom AI solution less reliable and delivers generic solutions in most cases.

Do not misuse your information

The source or solution provider that provides the solution takes some information in order to understand the problem. This information can do both the good and the bad for the problem source. If the solution provider does not misuse the information, it is reliable. AIs have not achieved the level of intelligence where they can think and formulate answers. The solutions are copied information that works in a similar way as copying your information. Therefore, AI tech solutions are not very reliable. 

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Summing up

To sum up the discussion, Al or artificial intelligence is man-given intelligence to machines. This intelligence comes as the result of programming and allows the AI machines to process information and interact with humans and other machines. But this interaction is very weak at the moment and thus not very reliable for software solutions company let alone tech solutions. It does provide tech solutions for sake-being but these AI tech solutions lack the principle characteristics to be deemed reliable.


Do you think AI would become reliable later in life?

Sure does, AI is raging and very soon will reach a very advanced level of computing and processing information. After a while, the advanced AI solution will be able to deliver reliable solutions. But at the same time, such computing and processing holds great danger.

Is the danger of AI more than it benefits?

This is a very common and frequent question for quite some time but there hasn’t been any reliable answer. No one has seen the future and it will take quite some time before the actual things happen. While it is advised to use AI very wisely while having AI tech solutions.

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